How to Get the “YES!” And Have People Excited To Buy Your Signature Offer

When you have a unique Signature Offer that positions you as the “Go-To” expert in your market, you become the brand that your perfect clients are talking about and telling other people about. This creates credibility and people coming to you who trust you as the authority.
This 4 part series has taken you through the 3 core pillars of the Signature Method®, a revolutionary NEW way to combine a Signature Idea™ with a Signature Message™ to create a Signature Offer™.
We’ve first focused on discovering your Signature Superpower and developing that to create your Signature Idea that will allow you to build a successful coaching business.
We’ve gone through so much of what makes up the real heavy lifting, and now it’s time to “land the plane” and dial in your Signature Idea with crystal clarity. This means taking everything we’ve done so far and transforming it into the right Signature Offer for your business.
I don’t believe in making people wait for the good part. While I’m sure you’ll want to take a deeper dive into all of the aspects of our Signature Idea, and you’ll have an opportunity to do so at the end of the article with our 5 Day Signature Offer Workshop, that doesn’t mean you have to wait to learn about getting to “Yes!” and getting clients to commit to buying what you have to offer.
Building Excitement and Getting to YES!
Here’s what people want: They want to be able to see the results. They want to feel them, to actually visualize them. And if you’re able to paint that picture for them, they’ll not only pay you for your program, they’ll be excited to do so.
And remember, it’s not just about the money coming in (although that’s important, too). Each one of those conversions represents a real person who has committed to working with you to change their life. And that means that part of this job is getting to leave the world better than you found it.
Here’s why your excitement is infectious and will make you magnetic to your perfect clients and create a picture for your clients of their future.
What Are the Components of Your Signature Idea?
Finding Your Superpower
In the first article in this series, we explored how you can uncover your superpower and how you can leverage that to build your coaching business.
Generating Income With Your Superpower
In the second article, we discussed the 7 Steps To Develop Your Signature Superpower’s Ability to Generate Income and how that is a key component of success. Not only that, but I also gave you a the Signature Idea™ Vault to help you discover what your mega-niche should be. And remember, it’s the mega-niche that will take you from just another coach to one making six figures — and even seven. Once you master the Signature Method®, it’s actually not that hard to go from six to seven. And while finding the first idea can feel daunting, once you get past that, you’ll have done a great deal of the hard work.
O.U.T. C.A.R.E. Your Competition
The heart of any coaching business is the clients, and this Signature Method will allow you to not only find clients but to find the Most Amazing Clients. By leveraging the ideas in this acronym, you’ll outperform the competition and find that it’s easy to grow your business with the right client base.
And now that we’ve covered the first three parts of our Signature Idea, it’s time for a six-part activity that will help you bring it all together and land that plane.
6 Step Signature Idea™ Validator
Think of this worksheet (download at the top of the page) as a tool that will not only help you tie it together, but can also help you simplify.
I find coaches are often filled with great ideas, and while that’s wonderful, it’s also so important to focus your ideas. And while it’s fine to have lots of ideas, and to explore them, it can feel overwhelming to narrow it down to that one idea that’s perfect for your business. Don’t worry, picking one doesn’t mean you This exercise will help you decide what to do first. For each of these categories, rank what you have on a scale from 1 to 10, except for one very important topic, which we’re going to double.
1. Do I Have Experience, Skills or Strengths?
Go back to the first article in the series, the one on your superpower, and think about the four resources you have to draw on for your Signature Idea success. Then put that in the perspective of what’s working right now in the industry.
You should be looking at problems that you have overcome yourself, a passion that you have or a skill set of yours. List them on a sheet of paper. For instance, you might write about various things you’ve learned, like running a marathon or help you’ve given to people in overcoming problems, like reconnecting after cheating. Now go through each of these and rank them on a scale from 1 to 10 as individual ideas.
2. Passion
Now, revisit each of these ideas and rank them based on your passion. Passion is what fuels us, and regardless of how great an idea is, or how strong the market is, if your passion is lacking for it, it’s not the right idea for you.
3. Profitability
This is the really important one, so whatever score you give to each idea, I’m asking you to double it. So if an idea ranks as 8 in profitability, write down 16. It’s so easy to lose sight of this fact, and base everything on passion, but the truth is that if you don’t have a solid income, you don’t have anything, and I want you to have more than a solid income. I want you to have passion, but I also want you to have true financial success. And by that I mean six or seven figures a year. And we achieve that by striking the right balance between passion and profitability.
How do you determine profitability? Well, you’re going to have to do a bit of research. Head to Google, and see if there’s a market for this idea. Don’t worry about the competition right now. Remember, you’ve got the Signature Idea in your back pocket to allow you to not have to worry about the competition. Check Facebook. Are there groups related to your idea? And are people already paying for this? Have the admins monetized this group in a way that makes it look truly profitable?
And remember, this is important, so whatever your score is for each idea, double it.
4. Credentials and Testimonials
Have you already started offering some of these services? If so, it’s time to start calling past clients and asking them if they’d be willing to offer a testimonial. I know a lot of you out there have helped friends out for free. Now it’s time for them to support you in offering a testimonial about how you helped them. Remember, people buy from people, and they want reassurance that what they are going to be paying for has worked for others in the past.
Another aspect to consider is credentials. Do you have any certifications? Is there education that you’ve completed that relates to your idea? What about work experience? Did you spend years working for someone else, helping them achieve related goals? Now it’s time for you to fulfill your own goals, but that time you put in counts toward doing that.
Once you’ve reached out to past and present clients and friends you’ve helped out, it’s time to give the quality and quantity of testimonials a score.
5. Top of Mind
We covered this a bit in the previous section with the first letter of O.U.T.C.A.R.E., but it’s such a critical issue I’m bringing it up again. Is this idea something that others are already thinking about? Is it a problem that is already taking up brain space in people’s minds? Whatever your idea is, it needs to solve a problem, and not just any problem, but one people are already aware that they have. Give each of your ideas a score for how much you think it’s something that occupies people’s mental energy.
6. Can I Be Better or Different?
Above, I mentioned that you don’t have to worry about competition because you have the Signature Idea, and this is something that we go much more in-depth with in our Signature Offer. Competition in the coaching world is fierce, and in the end, your program needs to stand apart, either by being better or being different.
Here’s another time when you’ll want to do research, and you can actually do this at the same time as you do the research for profitability. As you’re Googling to see what programs are already out there, what is there about what you see that makes you cringe? What makes you angry when you see others getting paid for what you already know how to do better? This is what is going to set you apart — and help you develop a program that truly fulfills your clients’ needs in ways that what’s already out there won’t. Give yourself a score for each idea based on how much you think you can create a program that stands apart.
Total Up Your Score
Now it’s time to total everything up and see what has the strongest score.
Understanding the 4 articles in this series is such a huge part of the journey of creating a successful coaching business. And creating this worksheet gives you the strong idea to get you started on that journey. To truly dive down deep, I’d like to invite you to turn your coaching into a HIGH TICKET SIGNATURE OFFER by joining us for the five-day Signature Offer Workshop. Sign up now to learn how to implement all aspects of the Signature Method and create a coaching program that creates real good in the world and real fulfillment for you, both financial and spiritual.